由於全球運輸及航班都受到Corona Virus影響,請在購買前訊息確認寄送相關事宜


Please confirm the delivery possiblity before purchasing by sending the message first, due to Corona virus affecting global transportation and flights.





由於手工製作,因此包含了所有可能性和不完美之處。 請不要期望100%完美。





謝謝 : )


General disclaimer


Due to handmade work which contain all the nature and small imperfection are existing. Please do not expect a 100% perfect item.

All the photos I had tried my best to look as accurate to real and it may show differently by monitor setting and devices and smartphone difference.

If you have anything enquiry wanna make it clear, please feel free to contact directly within DM or


**There is no return or exchange and cancellation as the general disclaimer.

Thank you : )




一旦確認訂單後,現貨商品將於3日內出貨完成, Pre-order/ 預購之商品交貨時間約需2-3周的工作天(不含運送時間),台灣地區郵資運費一律收取$80元,寄出後將視貨運安排在一週內送達,另外提供超商店到店取貨服務(全家/7-11),請務必在確認訂單時留言說明需求,格式:台北市信義區全家/7-11(擇一)OO店到店,請註明縣市地區以方便店到店寄出作業。同一訂單中若包含現貨、訂製品及需追加商品, 若無拆單要求將會於商品全數到齊後統一寄出。

購物前請注意購入產品是否有Made to order的標誌,請先詢問,不要先做線上付款的動作。訂製單品視為預購商品,需要更詳盡的資訊請善用我們的線上客服。 我們在收到訂單及款項後,會開始訂製,若是其他常態商品有現貨會在3天內立即出貨,Made to order系列,請給我們2-3周的時間,完成您的購買。有任何問題,歡迎透過線上客服或者e-mail: yuiatelierdobyu@gmail.com 聯繫我們。



*When you see the sing as ' Pre- order', Most items' are generally made by order so please allow 2-3 weeks for fulfillment. Please don not hesitate contact us via live chat or emailing us: yuiatelierdobyu@gmail.com

We are willing to assist your query before you place your orders. Rest of items if ready will ship within 3 days.

Delivery Will take about 5-15working days by EMS/ 5-14 working days by Air Mail. The number of days for delivery does not include the number of customs inspection days.

We'll also send an email with the tracking number once we have shipped your order. 

OOAK Doll is free to shipping, rest of collection need to place $200 above for free international shipping.


International Shipment For OOAK Dolls by EMS only. ( There is few countries has no services, please contact before you purchase, it could ship by currier you point. )

Insurance for marked value lowest it would be written as $200.




紅利點數累積方式|Reward(s) Program & Redeem The Reward Points


每一筆消費的金額(不含運費)都會變成等額的紅利點數。也就是台幣 100 元,可得 100 點。

˙在結帳時你可選擇是否用紅利抵消費,每300 點紅利,可兌換 NT$ 1。
˙300點=1元/ 15個月為使用期限


The amount of each purchase (excluding shipping costs) will become the same amount of Reward Points. That is, $100USD, you can get 30-32 Reward Points.

˙Sign up to become a permanent member and enjoy the membership Reward Points.

˙Reward Points can be directly discounted to the amount of consumption, there is no limit on the amount of single order discount

˙At checkout, you can choose whether to use the Reward Points to pay for the dividend, for every 300 bonuses, you can redeem NT $1.

˙300 Reward Points = 1 yuan(TWD) / 15 months for the period of use





 Dobyu保留隨時變更、修改或終止本辦法之權利。若有異動,修改後之辦法將公布在 Dobyu最新公告中。若會員於辦法變更、修改或終止後繼續使用本服務,皆視為會員已閱讀、了解並同意接受所有變更、修改及終止後之內容。


Please ensure that consider and confirm all the items of this order before your purchasing. Once the order is placed that  you agree to the relevant shopping policy.

Dobyu reserves the right to change, modify or terminate this Procedure at any time. If there is any change, the revised method will be announced in the latest announcement of  Dobyu. If the member continues to use the service after the method changes, modifies or terminates, it is deemed that the member has read, understands and agrees to accept all changes, modifications and terminations.